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Decentralised social network(almost 90%)


How often do you start using a social network app , fall in love with it, but they start pushing features that are meant to keep you stay stuck in the app? or worse, the founder who built the app is forced to sell it to someone, and they start playing around with features you don't like?

Social networks can be summarised as a double edged sword which provides the basic social connection we humans crave, but also controlled by companies driven by financial goals. Nothing wrong with being driven by financial goals, but can we , the enduser, use it in ways we like?

I wanna classify the social networks as 3 , close circle(phone no), text only (for sharing thoughts and opinion to wider audience), images and video(might not be required as the content creators will not be paid in this model, so there will not be much to see and waste time)


Create a general communication protocol & UI applications


Make it compatible with every cloud provider


Now the enduser can decide which cloud provider to use. Basic plans like 1thread, 1cpu, 1gb ram, shared usage, 14hrs a day(well you will sleep and work for 10 hours minimum) will not cost more than 5USD/month.

The UI application pushes the data to your server, it knows what cloud provider you respective friend uses and it will push data there. When that person comes online his server will push them the data (so not 100% completely decentralised)

  • Well, if you want to stay connected and but don't want to see short videos posted by random persons (a social media feed), you can uncheck it and the compiled mobile code will not the section entirely and the browser will hide it

  • Code will be open source, and everyone can take a vote on what features should be shipped (no more behaviour driven 10s videos eating hours of your life)

  • It will be secure only(because most companies use public cloud these days), but we have to make sure the protocols are secure

  • More privacy, because now you own data and the cloud provides should not be legally allowed to use the data in your private instance(double check) . They can still see what server you are calling(your friends load balancer url), but we will try to figure out a solution for that as well

It is a great opportunity for open source community to build decentralised, privacy focused networking applications and good way for cloud providers to earn more money.

Cloud providers themselves can sit and build this application. why? Let's say 1 Billion people on average use social media , if they are able to provide instances as cheap as 1$, it is 12 Billion dollars in revenue . Ofcourse there are more cloud providers, so let's say 1 billion dollar for 1 cloud provider. Which cloud provider says no to "at the minimum 1 billion dollars/year" to a market use case they have not yet explored?


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